Optional Info

Sidebar image descriptionAny information can be placed in the sidebar to help your website visitors navigate your site.

To make a boxed heading like the one above, simply apply the H3 tag.

To make a box like this, assign the "sidebarlt" class.

You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

Here's a text link.

To make a box like this, assign the "sidebardk" class.

You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

Here's a text link.

Grammar is...

knowing your shit or knowing you're shit.

På denne side finder du diverse links til sider om engelsk grammatik. Der er links til øvelser, spil m.m.

BBC Grammar Games introducerer en række grammatiske problemfelter - og du kan træne grammatikken ved at spille.

Syddansk Universitet har lavet VISL Games hvor du kan træne ordklasser m.m.


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