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Here's a text link.

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You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

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Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

John Steinbeck published Of Mice an Men in 1937.

Before you read the book, you should make yourselves familar with these terms: the American depression, migrant workers, the dustbowl.

Tasks for chapter 1

Tasks for chapter 2

Tasks for chapter 3

Tasks for chapter 4

Tasks for chapter 5

Having finished the book and film, we are going to apply various critical approaches to the narrative. This will be in Danish (AT): nykritik (shot-to-shot-analyse), psykoanalytisk metode, feministisk litteraturkritik, strukturalistisk metode, biografisk analysemetode (i det omfang, vi kan), socialkritisk metode, ideologikritisk metode, queerteori.


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