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Werewof is played in two teams:

1) Villagers (objective: identify and kill all the werewolves)

2) Werewolves (objective: kill all the villagers)

There are appoximately 5 villagers to each werewolf.

The game consists of alternating turns of night and day. The werewolves know each other, but the rest of you don't know who's who. The werewolves pretend to be villagers during the day.

Basic rules:

- Keep your role secret! You can lie and manipulate to protect yourself. Use sign language (pointing, thumbs up/down, fingers across throat etc) at night.

- When you die, you can no longer participate in the discussions. Keep both hands on your knees/the table to show the rest of the players that you are dead.

- When you sleep: close your eyes and bow your head.

- During the night phase, the werewolves kill one villager.

- During the day phase, the village has a town meeting. They will decide who is lynched (killed).

- Some villagers have special abilities. They are described below:

Witch: the Witch has two potions she can use during the game. They may be used once each.

1) a poison which kills another player.

2) a life tonic which revives another player.

Seer: the Seer can look at one other player's card and discover the other player's role during each night phase.

Cupid: Cupid chooses two lovers on the first night. Cupid may be one of them. These lovers must do everything they can to protect each other. If one of them dies, the other dies of sorrow.

Nurse: the nurse can save one werewolf victim. She can do this only once per game. She can not save herself.

Scapegoat: the GM can kill the scapegoat if the voting during the day phase goes nowhere.

The Defender: The Defender chooses one person to defend each night. She may defend herself. She can not defend the same person two nights in a row. If the defended person is attacked by the werewolves, he survives.

Hunter: If the Hunter is killed, she may immediately fire a shot and kill somebody else as well.

Little Girl: the Little Girl may spy on the werewolves during the night. She must take care not to be revealed, because the werewolves will kill her.



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