Optional Info

Sidebar image descriptionAny information can be placed in the sidebar to help your website visitors navigate your site.

To make a boxed heading like the one above, simply apply the H3 tag.

To make a box like this, assign the "sidebarlt" class.

You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

Here's a text link.

To make a box like this, assign the "sidebardk" class.

You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

Here's a text link.

Ellis Island Webquest

You are about to embark on a webquest journey that will make you an expert on Ellis Island.

You will travel in pairs. Each pair consists of a Captain and a First Mate.

The Captain: is in charge of the journey and searches the web.

The First Mate: writes down information as you go along.



1. Read through all the tasks and questions.

2. Visit the sites linked to in the box on the right. Figure out what kind of information may be found on the various sites.

3. Print out the Question Sheet.

4. Revisit the sites and answer all the questions on the question sheet.

5. Hand in the question sheet with your names on it.

6. Using your knowledge, work in pairs, make up a fictional character and fill out the journal.

7. Hand in the journal.

8. Congratulations on your safe journey.

Website templates by JustDreamweaver.com