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Kae Tempest - Let Them Eat Chaos


Kae Tempest (formerly Kate Tempest, born 1985) released their poetry collection and album Let Them Eat Chaos on October 7th 2016.

Kae Tempest is an acclaimed poet, playwright, novelist, spoken word artist and musical artist.

They appeared at Roskilde Festival in 2015 and were nominated for Best Female Solo Perfomer at the 2018 Brit Awards.

Visit their website to check out their social media and read more.

"Yes, I write for others like me. Others who don't fit, have never fitted. Dykes like me. Who realise there's nothing to be gained from even trying to fit, and eventually have just had to find their own way through.
Others who give a shit about the world.
Others who see the beauty first and are driven to witness the carnage.
Others who see the carnage first and are driven to witness the beauty.
But also, for those who have always fitted.
For those who don't give a shit about anything.
For those who've never seen the beauty anywhere.
And even less, the carnage. Just outline things and passing time.
People who share my beliefs and people who find them fucking ridiculous.
Everyone. All the time. No matter what."
(Kae Tempest, On Connection, 2020)



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