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To make a box like this, assign the "sidebardk" class.

You can do anything with a sidebar box. Insert images, ads or other web content.

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Essay writing:
How to write a good essay
Introductions and openers
Paragraphs and Topic Sentences

Correcting essays:
Rettenøgle til Engelsk
Hvordan retter jeg min stil/pdf?

Paragraph Linkers
Assignment 1 - 2 - 3 (eksamen, A-niveau)

How to write Exam Essays (B-level)
Purdue University Online Writing Lab

Style words:
poetic, down to earth, convoluted, simple, elegant, dramatic, elegiac, celebratory, colourful, descriptive, neutral, old-fashioned, narrative, informative, logos appealing, pathos appealing, ethos appealing, colloquial, articulate, inarticulate, chatty, circuitous, formal, informal, discursive, eloquent, incoherent, lyrical, punchy, rambling, rhetorical, verbose, high style, low style, scenic, panoramic

Written English

Written English is an important skill to master. The internet and a global job market has made it even more important today than ever before!

Some people are natural born writers, whereas other people have to work hard to learn how to write well. It is possible, however. Writing is a skill that can be acquired. The writing pages on wildbilly.dk attempt to approach written English as a skill that can be learned in small steps.

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